[TUT]Permanently enable signature
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[TUT]Permanently enable signature
Follow the steps 1 by 1 =]
1) go to Profile on the top under the forum logo
2) go to preference next to information on the top.
3) scroll down to the 9th line where it says "Always enable my Signature" select yes then save.
There now your signature will appear in every post your made =]
1) go to Profile on the top under the forum logo
2) go to preference next to information on the top.
3) scroll down to the 9th line where it says "Always enable my Signature" select yes then save.
There now your signature will appear in every post your made =]
Last edited by NizKun. on Wed Sep 17, 2008 6:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
NizKun.- UNITY Moderator
- Number of posts : 32
Age : 34
Location : Sydney, Australia
Humor : Yea A bit XD -HAHA
Registration date : 2008-09-17
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