UNITY - The Drift City Art Collective
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Showcase your stickers!

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Showcase your stickers! Empty Showcase your stickers!

Post by Fobb Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:16 pm

This is the best place to showcase your stickers, or stickers to be because we're an art community that understands that theft is a big heart breaker. I'm working on a sticker set, but I'm not all the way decided on it yet It looks awesome on my Rotary and Atoka, but the car it was intended for, my URe3, doesn't do it justice. here are screens of it on my Rotary and Atoka. I'll upload UR screens later.

Showcase your stickers! Gqqwkx5t_001

Showcase your stickers! Cb545q8v_002
GFX Junior
GFX Junior

Number of posts : 26
Registration date : 2008-09-15

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Showcase your stickers! Empty Re: Showcase your stickers!

Post by Fobb Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:29 pm

Thinking of possibly using Onyx blue instead of white.
GFX Junior
GFX Junior

Number of posts : 26
Registration date : 2008-09-15

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Showcase your stickers! Empty Re: Showcase your stickers!

Post by Nitrous123 Fri Sep 26, 2008 11:17 am

nah keep it 2 white the blue will show more than ur crew stickers, gr8 work fobb i wish i could rep u 4 ur hard work.

Number of posts : 1
Age : 33
Location : United Kingdom, Kent
Registration date : 2008-09-17


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Showcase your stickers! Empty Re: Showcase your stickers!

Post by Fobb Sat Sep 27, 2008 11:02 am

Thanks man. I'm gonna be working on the other side soon. I'm thinking sponsor decals or something.
GFX Junior
GFX Junior

Number of posts : 26
Registration date : 2008-09-15

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Showcase your stickers! Empty Re: Showcase your stickers!

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