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1001 free fonts....honestly!!

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1001 free fonts....honestly!! Empty 1001 free fonts....honestly!!

Post by Stampers Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:25 pm

Tired of being bored with the same set of fonts?
'Arial Black' and 'Times New Roman' getting you down?

Well have no fear, as you're in for a right treat!

Basically, no matter what style of font you're looking for, this website covers them all. It gives you choices of either downloading as Mac or Windows formats (both are .ttf, so i don't really know why you'd want to download the other version...), and they also give you the choice of previewing the font before you actually download it!

Anyway, enough of my rambling, heres the link...


They also give you the choice to download them all at the same time for around $20, but don't bother with that. Just download one at a time. There's no limit as to how many you can download, so you can still have all 1001 of them without having to pay.

Anyway, i find the site really handy, so hope you guys do to!

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1001 free fonts....honestly!! Empty Re: 1001 free fonts....honestly!!

Post by NizKun. Wed Sep 17, 2008 6:48 am

thanks mad sites =]
UNITY Moderator
UNITY Moderator

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Age : 34
Location : Sydney, Australia
Humor : Yea A bit XD -HAHA
Registration date : 2008-09-17

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