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Post by Stampers Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:01 pm

Ok guys, i know this is a new forum, but after seeing the logo up there at the top more than 5 times, you start to think "wow, that really is a gay logo...". so yeah, i've decided to change it.

This is the first Design. bear in mind that its transparent, so the background will be grey instead of white...

New style Forum logo... NEWUNITYDFLOGO

The main reason for changing it is to incorporate a couple of adverts in.
One for DC, one for Drift-Factor Radio, and one for Drift-Factor.com.
These adverts are here for a reason....

1. The DC logo is there so we all know what this forum is about. Passion/hatred for DC, and artwork to go with it.
2. Drift-Factor Radio, as i actually like listening to what the community is interested in. Makes it kinda like a 'family'.
3. Drift-Factor.com. This is there in a bid to hopefully get Milz to advertise UNITY on Drift-Factor. I advertise him, he advertises me, we all get along fine. I've already written to him, and am awaiting his reply on the matter. It means that more people will come here, and we can have a better community feel to UNITY. Also as Drift-Factor itself is a nice alternative to the Ijji forums (ugh, i even hate writing those words...), its always good to have affiliates with merging communities.

Anyways, leave opinions underneath on whether you like it or not. I'll add a couple more in the coming days.
Cheers for looking!

UNITY Founder
UNITY Founder

Number of posts : 49
Age : 37
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Registration date : 2008-09-15


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New style Forum logo... Empty Re: New style Forum logo...

Post by Raskul Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:16 pm

Mucho better than the current.

Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2008-09-16

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New style Forum logo... Empty Re: New style Forum logo...

Post by NizKun. Wed Sep 17, 2008 6:57 am

its a good logo but i think the ad is a bit too big XD it over taken the attraction of our logo XD... so why dont you put those ad on the bottom of the forum? like all other forums do XD just a suggestion. (PS. need any technical support just ask me =])
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UNITY Moderator

Number of posts : 32
Age : 34
Location : Sydney, Australia
Humor : Yea A bit XD -HAHA
Registration date : 2008-09-17

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New style Forum logo... Empty Re: New style Forum logo...

Post by Stampers Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:34 am

NizKun. wrote:its a good logo but i think the ad is a bit too big XD it over taken the attraction of our logo XD... so why dont you put those ad on the bottom of the forum? like all other forums do XD just a suggestion. (PS. need any technical support just ask me =])

I agree, i do think they are too big for adverts. Although i dont want to have to put them at the bottom as they wont be seen there, and i do want this site to be affiliated with the others.

Like i said, i'll be making a couple more over the next few days.
UNITY Founder
UNITY Founder

Number of posts : 49
Age : 37
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Humor : Bad
Registration date : 2008-09-15


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New style Forum logo... Empty Re: New style Forum logo...

Post by NizKun. Wed Sep 17, 2008 6:24 pm

hmm.. ic then i guess i would make them a little smaller and put them at the same position on the right side of the banner =]
UNITY Moderator
UNITY Moderator

Number of posts : 32
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Location : Sydney, Australia
Humor : Yea A bit XD -HAHA
Registration date : 2008-09-17

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Post by Stampers Wed Sep 17, 2008 6:53 pm

no worries now.

i've put the adverts/links to the Drift City website, Drift-Factor, and Drift-Factor Radio on the portal page. It leaves the space at the op for he forum logo on its own. Thats how it should be really.

That should be good enough!
UNITY Founder
UNITY Founder

Number of posts : 49
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Registration date : 2008-09-15


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Post by NizKun. Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:10 pm

kwl... btw if you want news to be place under the banner, so that ppl look at it straight away, i know how if you want to do it ask me for clues =]
UNITY Moderator
UNITY Moderator

Number of posts : 32
Age : 34
Location : Sydney, Australia
Humor : Yea A bit XD -HAHA
Registration date : 2008-09-17

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